Financial Aid

Payment Plans Available:

Tuition can be payed through our convenient ‘Pre-Authorized Checking Service’. With a down payment at the start of school, payment plans can be arranged for up to 24 months.

OPI & AACS Ace ($500 for all cosmetology programs)
Sally Beauty ($1000 for cosmetology)
Great Clips (for cosmetology)
NCEA ($1000 for esthetics)
OPI ($500 for manicuring)
Assistance may be available to you through:
  • DARS – Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services
  • Texas Veterans Commission
  • Texas Workforce Center
Disbursement For Books and Supplies:

Future professionals wishing to use Title IV funds for the purchase of their books and supplies must have completed all of the steps needed to receive your financial aid and are waiting only for the processing of their application to be completed. This includes submitting verification materials, completing student loan entrance counseling and having completed the student loan Master Promissory Note (MPN). Upon receiving the first disbursement of funds the future professional has 14 days to remit payment for books and supplies to the admissions office, consequences for nonpayment can include; but not be limited to, an interruption of the ability to clock hours.

Assistance Available From Federal, State, Local and Institutional Programs:

Future professional tuition may be paid by cash, check, money order, credit card or using Title IV Financial Aid (available to those who qualify) which is defined as assistance that the Future professional has been or will be awarded from State, Institutional or other scholarship, grant or loan programs.

A current FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is required to be completed prior to a determination of eligibility for all Title IV funds. Directions to complete this application, an MPN (Master Promissory Note) and Entrance Counseling are located on the “Directions to Apply for Federal Student Aid”, the US Department of Education’s annual publication of “Funding Education Beyond High School: The Guide to Federal Student Aid” and “Direct Loan Basics for Students” available from the Financial Aid Director or from the:

FAFSA Information Center 1-800-433-3243

FAFSA Website

The Institute currently participates in the Pell Grant, Stafford Direct Loan and Parent PLUS Direct Loan programs. The Institute does not coordinate but will certify veterans, state, local government and private funding sources.

Need Based AID (Pell Grant and Stafford Subsidized Loan) Calculation:

COA(Cost of Attendance) – EFC(Expected Family Contribution) = Need Eligibility

Non-Need Based Aid (Unsubsidized Stafford and Parent PLUS Loan) Calculations:

COA – EFA(Expected Financial Assistance/all other aid) = Non-Need Eligibility

COA = Budget – each future professional receiving an Award Letter estimating Title IV Eligibility will be assigned a Budget. The COA includes the following items: Tuition & Fees, Room and Board, Transportation, Misc/Personal, Books/Supplies and Other items such as special circumstances or expenses related to disabilities.

National Student Loan Data System (NSLDS)

NSLDS (National Student Loan Data System) is available at where borrower’s loan history can be reviewed. Students without Internet access can identify their loan holder by calling 1-800-4-fed-aid. The borrower will be made aware that the information on the NSLDS site is updated by school and the Department of Education and may not always have the most current information available. Information is accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and institutions determined to be authorized users of the data system.

Description of Financial Aid Disbursement Procedures:

FAS/Genesis software is used to import ISIRS, perform Verifications and/or Corrections, Budget Creation, Awarding, SAP measurements, Certification and Disbursement of Title IV Funds.

Future Professional Financial Aid Rights and Responsibilities:

Financial Assistance is available to those who qualify through the Financial Aid Office.

All future professionals have the following rights and responsibilities

The Future Professional has the right to ask the Institute:

  • The name of its accrediting agency and their licensing organizations.
  • About its programs; its instructional, clinic and physical facilities; and their faculty.
  • What the cost of attending is and the institutions policy concerning refunds and Return to Title IV (R2T4) for future professionals who fail to complete their program.
  • What financial assistance is available, including information on all federal, state, local, private and institutional financial aid programs.
  • What the procedures and deadlines are for submitting an application for each available financial aid program.
  • How it determines a future professional’s eligibility and need for financial aid.
  • How much of your financial need, as determined by the Institute, has been met.
  • To explain each type and amount of assistance in your financial aid package.
  • What the interest rate is on any student loan you have, the total amount you repay and when a future professional must start repaying.
  • Deferment of repayment or forbearance for certain defined periods, if you qualify and if you request deferment or forbearance.
  • Provide written information on future professional’s loan obligations and information on your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.
  • To reconsider your aid package, if you believe a mistake has been made or if your enrollment or financial circumstances have changed.
  • How the Institute determines when and whether you are making satisfactory progress (SAP) and what happens if you fail to maintain SAP. How failing to maintain SAP affects your Title IV eligibility.

What special facilities and services are available to future professionals with disabilities and how to request a reasonable accommodation.

It is the Future Professional’s responsibility to:

  • Review and consider all the information about the Institute’s programs before enrolling.
  • Pay special attention to the application process for Federal Student Financial Aid, complete it accurately and submit it on time to the right place. Errors on the FAFSA can delay or prevent your receiving aid in a timely manner.
  • Know and comply with all deadlines for applying and reapplying for aid.
  • Provide all enrollment and verification documentations, corrections and/or new information requested by either the financial aid officer or the agency to which you submitted the application.
  • Notify the Institute of any information that has changed since you applied.
  • Read, understand and keep copies of all forms you are asked to sign.
  • Ensuring you are aware that you must start making monthly repayment on your student loan after your grace period ends, unless you have a deferment or forbearance. When you sign your master promissory note (MPN), you are agreeing to repay your loan.
  • Attend an exit interview at the time you leave the Institute to determine the net balance of your account with the Institute as well as the net balance of any student loan.
  • Notify the Institute of a change in your name, address, phone number or attendance status (full/part-time future professional). If you have student loans, you must notify your lender of these changes.
  • Understand your Institute’s refund policy.
  • Understand and comply with the enrollment status, financial charges, financial terms, time allowed to complete, refund policy and termination procedures as specified in the signed Enrollment Contract Agreement.
  • Understand that you may be responsible and have liability for portions of Title IV funds returned by the institution on your behalf.
  • Understand that there could be liabilities when errors are made as a result of inconsistent information provided by the future professional, resulting in funds being awarded that a future professional was not eligible for and advanced to you or credited to your account at the Institute.
Sample Loan Repayment Schedule

Your monthly loan payments are based on the total amount of the principal outstanding at the time you enter repayment, the length of the repayment term and the actual interest rate. The following table illustrates the repayment terms and estimated monthly payment amounts at various levels of indebtedness for Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Subsidized Direct Loans and Direct Plus. The payment amounts for Unsubsidized Direct Loans, Subsidized Direct Loans and Direct Plus loans do not account for any accrued interest.

Total Amount Due

Loan at 7%

Loan at 8%

Loan at 9%

Monthly Payment

Total Interest

Monthly Payment

Total Interest

Monthly Payment

Total Interest

$ 10,000 $ 116.11 $ 3,933 $ 131.33 $ 4,599 $ 126.68 $ 5,201
$ 15,000 $ 174.16 $ 5,900 $ 181.99 $ 6,839 $ 190.01 $ 7,802
$ 20,000 $ 232.22 $ 7,866 $ 242.66 $ 9,199 $ 253.35 $ 10 402
$ 25,000 $ 290.27 $ 9,833 $ 303.32 $ 11,398 $ 316.69 $ 13,003
$ 30,000 $ 348.33 $ 11,799 $ 363.98 $ 13,678 $ 380.03 $ 15,603
$ 40,000 $ 464.43 $ 15,732 $ 485.31 $ 18,237 $ 506.70 $ 20,804
$ 50,000 $ 580.54 $ 19,668 $ 606.64 $ 22,797 $ 633.38 $ 26,005
$ 60,000 $ 696.65 $ 23,598 $ 727.97 $ 27,356 $ 760.05 $ 31,207
$ 70,000 $ 812.76 $ 27,531 $ 849.29 $ 31,915 $ 886.73 $ 36,408
$ 80,000 $ 928.87 $ 31,464 $ 970.62 $ 36,474 $ 1,013.41 $ 41,609
$ 90,000 $ 1,044.98 $ 35,397 $ 1,091.95 $ 41,034 $ 1,140.08 $ 46,810
$ 100,000 $ 1,161.08 $ 39,330 $ 1,213.28 $ 45,593 $ 1,266.76 $ 52,011

Online loan payment calculator:

Repaying Your Loans

Consumer Information

Requests for a paper copy of Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology can be directed to the Admissions Office by submitting a request by phone, through the mail or electronically through email. Furthermore; a paper copy will be distributed to future professionals in attendance annually by the 31st of January and upon enrollment, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).

Contact Information for Assistance in Obtaining Institutional or Financial Aid Information:

Future professionals or interested parties needing assistance with consumer information or Admissions, please contact Judy Alonso at or by calling 512.392.8862. Those wanting Financial Aid assistance, please contact Cassandra Monahan at or by calling 512.392.8862.