When I enrolled at Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology, I really didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea if the work would be difficult or easy, if I would make friends or enemies, or if I would even have actually have a knack for doing what I always dreamed of doing – making people beautiful.
As it turns out, I ended up doing all right. After learning how important retail sales are in the salon environment through the Nuts and Bolts program, I put my teaching into practise with the short-term goal of becoming Business Student of the Month and a long-term goal of making it to Business Student of the Year. The sales help I received from the various classes and special speakers that visited had a great impact on me, I believe, and helped spur me towards what I hope is a rewarding career path.
Many of the project I completed during my course proved challenging, and made me realize that I’m more creative than I probably gave myself credit for. I never thought myself as very artistic, and winning one of the quarterly challenges made me believe otherwise. I tackled subsequen projects with more fervor and the way they turned out made me feel more positive about my creative abilities.
I have also been learning the power of people with all the different types of clients we have. I would say this is where I got a big portion of my learning from. I consider myself pretty good with people, but some of the clients challenged different aspects of my character, and I continually found myself faced with the choice of reigning in my feelings about servicing them or making a big issue out of it. I think that learning to deal with difficult people has helped grow my character, and whether it was in a direction that was better or for worse, will let my peers decide.
I also was pushed to handle situations with other students in ways that I wasn’t really presented with before. I usually excel in most areas in my life, and that usually draws ire from a certain populaton of peers. Dealing wth the negativity emotionally isn’t aways as easy as just ignoring remarks or “brushing it off,” but I like to think that I am a bit more resilient now than I was when I first came. I may never see most of my fellow students again, but the cosmetology industry is a tight community and as such, I feel it is important to keep my behavior and actions in check to maintain a decent reputation. And there’s no better place to get a head start on learning that type of interacton than with a variety of students from different backgrounds who go to school there.
I also have very much enjoyed the different teaching styles that I’ve been taught here at school. Some of the students complain about how each one is so different and no two directons are the same, but in all honesty, I think the student needs to ultimately be the one to make the judgement call of which technique or method works best for them. I’ve learned to take the information provide and apply it where neccessary, which is a valuable skill to possess.
Overall, I feel I have learned a number of beneficial business and social skills that I would not have otherwise been exposed to previously. Total Transformation Institute has given me a head start on the necessary skills I need to secure a career path when I graduate, and I feel I am well equipped to handle any situation that life throw at me in this department.
I came into the Esthetics program with an idea of what I thought I wanted. I also thought I was sure of my sense of self. Turns out, my idea was blown up to something more wonderful than I ever thought and the sense of self I thought I had, is someone completely different, and I love being her.
I knew I wanted to come in the skin industry, because I wanted to help people. I wanted to make a difference in someone’s life, because I was once a sufferer of acne. I wanted to help prevent it, help treat it, and help any damage, if any should be left behind. Upon being at school, I was shown a much bigger and brighter world of endless possibilities! Not only could I help someone with their acne skin, I could educate someone with the importance of drinking water and the cause and effect of not using sunblock. The little things we often don’t remember. I think one of the greatest things so far, is making a connection with a client. It’s realizing they understand their current skin state, and working together to achieve a desired look.
After a few weeks of being enrolled in my esthetics program, I came to realize my true potential and saw how much of a responsible and organized person I was. I honestly didn’t believe that was me prior to enrolling. I realized, when you want something and want to be the best at something, you just keep trying. You keep trying to be better than who you were yesterday. There comes a time, when you feel a bit alienated, because your classmates aren’t as enthusiased, and you get looked at differently because you actually completed your homework over the weekend not the night before the due date. That’s when you have to embrace your independence, and keep you eyes on the dream. I love being different, I love being happy. I love knowing my future has endless possibilities.
I started at Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology for Esthetics on April 22, 2013. I have learned so much about myself, and what my passion is. During the Nuts and Bolts training the first 4 weeks of school, I learned what it takes to become a successful business woman and how to run my own business. After that I learned how to do waxing with hard and soft wax on the face, arms, legs and back. I also have grown fond of doing our different makeup challenges every day. Eye brow and eye lash tinting are becoming pretty popular so I am getting my practice in and getting a little better every time. My real passion is giving my clients facials. I tend to get in my zone when I begin the facial and I give them all of me and make sure they are comfortable. I learned about Eminence Organic Skin Care line and I absolutely love it! I also learned about the different machines and when to use them and how to use them properly. I love getting prepared for State Board so I know what to expect going into it and feel that will put me ahead of the game since other schools don’t get their students fully prepared for it. The most important thing I have probably learned so far is sanitation because without it, you don’t have a business. I am excited with everything I have learned to do so far considering I am not even half way through the course yet an I will make sure I continue to strive to learn as much a I can since I only have a few more months left to practice before I become a licensed Esthetician!
I learned more than I could have asked for here at TTIOC, the value of my education surpasses the amount of money I paid. I learned about myself as a person, and how hard I need to work to reach my goals.
Total Transformation has given me all the tools I need for a lifetime in this industry. Whether it is to be better teamwork and leadership for my team in the business I’m working for, believing in myself, or better timing in the services I give. The instructors at TTIOC have more than prepared me for the real world. They saw the potential in me even at the very beginning when I couldn’t see the potential myself. All my service times, and the skill and mind set I need for the services has gotten so much better over the time that I’ve spent here in school, I’ve learned that all it takes is practice. The skills might not come naturally to me at first, but if I really dedicate myself, and spend time learning and fine tuning what I need, I have and will become really good at what I do. I am also armed with the tools I need to start my own business, during the last few months of my schooling the instructors pushed me to envision the salon that I want to own, and the details that go into it. Researching the area I want to be in, what services are not offered by the competing salons in that area. What the other salons in that area charge for the services that they do offer. I’ve written up a marketing plan, as well as a salon blueprint, and the business, thank you, and promo cards. I’ve throught up a flyer for my new salon, as well as the services menus, and coupons with loyalty client punch outs on them.
I cannot give enough gratitude and praise to the Nuts and Bolts business program.I personally think that some sort of business class should be implemented into all trade school curriculums. The classes prepare you for retailing in the salon, as well as proper business etiquette, regardless if you plan to own a business or not, all the information in Nuts and Bolts gives its students is priceless.
But the main thing TTIOC has taught me is that I’m unstoppable, if I want to own a high class salon in Hong Kong earning $300,000 or more a year, I can. It’ll take a lot of dedicated hours and work, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help my employer and I achieve any goals that we want. There’s nothing I can’t do.
I learned more than I could have asked for here at TTIOC, the value of my education surpasses the amount of money I paid. I learned about myself as a person, and how hard I need to work to reach my goals.
Total Transformation has given me all the tools I need for a lifetime in this industry. Whether it is to be better teamwork and leadership for my team in the business I’m working for, believing in myself, or better timing in the services I give. The instructors at TTIOC have more than prepared me for the real world. They saw the potential in me even at the very beginning when I couldn’t see the potential myself. All my service times, and the skill and mind set I need for the services has gotten so much better over the time that I’ve spent here in school, I’ve learned that all it takes is practice. The skills might not come naturally to me at first, but if I really dedicate myself, and spend time learning and fine tuning what I need, I have and will become really good at what I do. I am also armed with the tools I need to start my own business, during the last few months of my schooling the instructors pushed me to envision the salon that I want to own, and the details that go into it. Researching the area I want to be in, what services are not offered by the competing salons in that area. What the other salons in that area charge for the services that they do offer. I’ve written up a marketing plan, as well as a salon blueprint, and the business, thank you, and promo cards. I’ve throught up a flyer for my new salon, as well as the services menus, and coupons with loyalty client punch outs on them.
I cannot give enough gratitude and praise to the Nuts and Bolts business program.I personally think that some sort of business class should be implemented into all trade school curriculums. The classes prepare you for retailing in the salon, as well as proper business etiquette, regardless if you plan to own a business or not, all the information in Nuts and Bolts gives its students is priceless.
But the main thing TTIOC has taught me is that I’m unstoppable, if I want to own a high class salon in Hong Kong earning $300,000 or more a year, I can. It’ll take a lot of dedicated hours and work, but I’m willing to do whatever it takes to help my employer and I achieve any goals that we want. There’s nothing I can’t do.
What I’ve learned at TTIOC are a lot of different things. I’ve experience a lot of colors, haircuts, and different clients. Learning different techniques and different cuts was my favorite part at TTIOC. Also gettint to meet different clients and working on front desk was a great experience for me. I gave good customer service and was polite as I can be. I learned quite a lot to get this far. I came from not experienced in hair to knowing everything about hair and also knowing how to sell products. I am thankful to have these instructors teach me a lot, not only what happens only in school but also in the real world. I am prepared and know what is ahead of me in my future with hair because I learned well. I’m happy to be the person I am now outgoing, hardworking, quick learner and understanding to get so much knowledge that I know now.
I truly thought that my dream of going to cosmetology school would never become a reality. My experience at Total Transformation has truly changed my life in so many positive aspects. I have learned the true meaning of patience. I have neve been a patient person, so as soon as I started school I wanted to jump the gun and learn everything the first day. That was obviously not possible! I learned about hair care, color, perms, relaxers, and proper care for African American hair, extremely curly and thin hair. I was widely informed about skin diseases and the importance of disinfection. I never knew how the color wheel affected the result of hair color until coming to school.
I also took a salon retail and business class called Nuts and Bolts. This program took me through the extensive training of how to sell products and services. It also taught me how to build my clientele, boost my revenue and keep my prospect as a lifelong client. Going through this 4-week course was a great decision I made and I know that it will helpe me dramatically in the future.
Total transformation Institute has given me the tools I need to better my busines and future for myself. I could not have asked for better instructors. Their focus on each and every student as an individual made such an impact on my ability to learn and grow. I will be a better person and cosmetologist because of Total Transformation Institute.
My name is Paula Padilla. I am a current student at TTIOC, I am almost finish with my course and I have learned a lot of excellent information. I have to say this school has changed my life. It all started with the Nuts and Bolts business program, they taught us the value of our customers and how to take care of them while they are in our chair. They also showed us how to educate your client into buying products without persuading. I learned about the different generations that we have and how to deal with each group age. I also learned how you should talk in front of the client and to always give them your undivided attention. Along with some work ethics, respectfulness, integrity, and not letting your ego get too big I learned cosmo terminology. The most important “Get comfortable being uncomfortable” with this quite from Nuts and Bolts I have learned and experience getting out of my comfort zone and it has not been easy at all. Behind all the haircuts, colors, perms, roller sets, and all those good stuff there is a lot more than you would of ever imagined.
As for techniques and the physical part of cosmetology I have learned facials, waxing, manicures, pedicures, haircuts, color, highlights etc… I learned the color wheel and how to formulate. I have learned to see the difference in box color and professional color. The part that I found myself enjoying in cutting hairm, when the great clips crew came in I found it most wonderful the techniques that they use and would like to specialize in cutting hair. I have seen taht with practice you get better and faster at everything. You learn how to move your hands in a skillful way. I also learned some great exercise for your hands so you can avoid carpeltunel. I am really grateful to this school for giving me the chance to succeed in life as a cosmetologist. Thank you!
While attending Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology, I was studying to be an esthetician. I learned business skills as well as how to treat clients and be a good employer all through the Nuts and Bolts program that we were taught the first month. In phase two I learned all the sanitation requirements for each service, and how to clean after. I know how to give facials, and back treatments and massage the arms, hands, and feet. I also know the products and how to recommend the perfect product for each client with specific needs. I know how to do all the waxing services and the difference between hard and soft wax and how to use them correctly. I can do extractions, use paraffin, and use the machines that include steam, galvanic, high frequency, and indirect frequency currents. I have experience with clients and having them fill out client consultation forms. After my learning experience at Total Transformation I feel completely prepared to work out in the professional world and become an experienced, successful esthetician.
While attending Total Transformation Institute of Cosmetology I have learned a great deal of useful & wonderful skills. I have improved on my color, my highlighting technique, haircuts, facials and etc. I have also learned a great deal of people skills and really understanding my clients needs and desires. A happy client makes a happy business. Don’t forget about the retail side of it but don’t just push the product onto the client. Educate them in why they need the product for their hair, nails or skin. Here is to you my future employer, I am a highly educated future professional with many skills and talents who is ready to get into the field and start some action!
It has been a long journey here at TTIOC. Starting with Nuts and Bolts to ending in phase three; between the two there were alot of learning experiences.
Starting in September of 2012, I showed up for my first day of school with little knowledge of cosmetology. I thought everything behind the term “cosmetology” was simply, but in fact there was multiple things I didn’t know about it. Take math for example, there’s math in cosmetology? Yes! In a haircut you have a variety of angles and the depth of hair is so much more complex than the eye sees. It is not just a simple job. It is filled with anatomy, physiology, math, chemistry, human relations, and so much more.
Through this experience here at school, I have learned how to perfect my haircuts, invision and complete an amazing hair color, satisfy my clients, and most of all build relationships. I never thought that I would be the one to have clients who are extremely pleased with their haircolor or haircut. It is weird to know that people are complementing my work. It is kind of like a dream come true. I have gained confidence and now I know I am able to perform any style. With all that I have learned I am happy to say I am ready to be out in the “real world,” which I never thought I would ever get there.
So here is a thank you to TTIOC for teaching me the importance behind hairstyling and being there to push me when I felt like I had failed. Now I am a senior student and I know when I graduate, I will go out and find a job and be successful.